ZUN soccer table,foosball table,football table,game table, table soccer,table football,Children's game W1936P204821
soccer table,foosball table, football table,game tale, Indoor fitness,Children's Toys,table soccer ,table football,table games,indoor games,deskgames
soccer,football,foosball,deskgames,board games
board games,family activities,suitable for both adults and children
Accessories:4 pcs 36mm black/white ball
Product Dimensions (Approximately)
29.7 x 133.99 x 88.26 (W x D/L x H) cm
Total Weight
29.7 kgs
Main Color :
Main Material :
soccer,football,foosball,deskgames,board games
board games,family activities,suitable for both adults and children
Accessories:4 pcs 36mm black/white ball
Table Size:52.75"L x 28.19"W x 34.75 "H , Play field:46.1"x27.3 ", Side Panel:3/4"MDF With Red & White PVC, End Panel:1/2"MDF Red & White PVC, Playfield:3/8"MDF With PVC , Leg:3/4"MDF With PVC, Leg Leveler:Ø1-1/2" plastic , Play Bar:Φ5/8 Hollow Steel with,Chromium, Accessories:4 pcs ball, Carton Size:56.8"Lx31.5'Wx5.5 "H, N.W./G.W.: 30/35KGS.
Product Dimensions (Approximately)
29.7 x 133.99 x 88.26 (W x D/L x H) cm
Total Weight
29.7 kgs
Main Color :
Main Material :