ZUN Bench Top Portable Sand Blaster Cabinet Kit 25gallon,sanblasting cabinet 80psi W46541341

SKU: GL-W46541341
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  • Regular price $213.00
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Top-Loading Benchtop Sandblast Cabinet can be filled with a variety of abrasive materials for cleaning, polishing, and finishing. Sealed gloves allow complete access inside the enclosed cabinet for operating the blast gun and moving the part. Operate Air: 60-100 PSI/ 5-14 CFM,Abrasive capacity: 10 lbs.Abrasive type: Dry only Uses silicon sand, glass beads or aluminum oxide to clean or polish material Portable enough to use on workbench or take to a job site Built in low voltage 15 VDC light provides visibility for intricate work All steel cabinet with plexiglass viewing lid Over All Dimension: 23" x19" x 19"

Product Dimensions (Approximately)
15.43 x 62.99 x 49.02 (W x D/L x H) cm

Total Weight
15.43 kgs

Main Color       : Blue
Main Material : Steel

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