ZUN Mirror Shoe Cabinet with 2 Tier Drawers, Mirror Shoe Rack With 1 Drawer Storage, Mirror Shoe W760P206336

SKU: GL-W760P206336
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  • Regular price $174.00
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2 Shoe Drawers: The cabinet features 2 mirrored drawers, each with 2 levels, allowing for space-saving storage of more shoes. The wooden panels are adjustable to accommodate larger items like snow boots.

Storage Drawer: The upper section includes a storage drawer where you can conveniently place keys, wallets, and watches when coming home, making it easy to grab them when heading out again.

1. 2 Shoe Drawers: The cabinet features 2 mirrored drawers, each with 2 levels, allowing for space-saving storage of more shoes. The wooden panels are adjustable to accommodate larger items like snow boots.2. Storage Drawer: The upper section includes a storage drawer where you can conveniently place keys, wallets, and watches when coming home, making it easy to grab them when heading out again.3. Mirror: The mirror design allows you to check if your shoes match your outfit when changing. It a

Shoe Storage: Each level of the shoe cabinet can hold 4 pairs of shoes, with a total of 4 levels, allowing for the storage of approximately 16 pairs of shoes.

Easy to Assemble: The shoe cabinet is easy to assemble and comes with an installation guide, taking about 35 minutes to set up.

Product Dimensions (Approximately)
25.2 x 83.01 x 81.99 (W x D/L x H) cm

Total Weight
25.2 kgs

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