ZUN Single Handle High Arc Pull Out Kitchen Faucet,Single Level Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink Faucets W2287141940

SKU: GL-W2287141940
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  • Regular price $133.00
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The pull-out spray head is designed to fit in a variety of sinks, and the high-arc nozzle rotates 360° to make your water use easier and more convenient.

Three water output settings (stream, spray and blade) to meet your various needs, such as washing dishes, filling water or rinsing fruits and vegetables.

Easily control water temperature and flow rate with a single handle.

The high-quality anti-corrosion and anti-rust surface treatment prevents dirt from adhering to the surface of the faucet. For daily use, just clean the faucet with a rag.

The kitchen faucet with pull-down sprayer has a simple and stylish design that easily matches most sinks. Three water outlet functions (stream, spray and blade) to meet your various water use situations. The high-arc nozzle rotates 360 degrees to provide all-round cleaning, and the single-handle design allows easy control of water temperature and flow rate. For daily cleaning, just clean the faucet with a rag and it will look like new.

Product Dimensions (Approximately)
1.89 x 42.42 x 22.86 (W x D/L x H) cm

Total Weight
1.89 kgs

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Main Material :

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